Needle-Free: Taking the Ouch out of Health & Beauty

Every year, hundreds of thousands of people are prescribed self-injection needles to manage various conditions. Hormone levels, diabetes and even erectile dysfunction are treated in part by patients, at home. As you might imagine, self-injections can cause a lot of anxiety. After all, they hurt! Now, however, there’s a new technology available to patients who… Continue reading Needle-Free: Taking the Ouch out of Health & Beauty

Needle-free Insulin. A Comparison of the Insujet and the Comfort-in™

People may wonder what the difference is between the InsuJet™ and the Comfort-in™. While both are needle-free jet injectors, there are differences which we will discuss below, and we feel the features of the Comfort-in™ make it the best choice for needle-free injectors on the market. When making your decision about the injector must suitable… Continue reading Needle-free Insulin. A Comparison of the Insujet and the Comfort-in™