Local anaesthesia without needles

Since 2014 Comfort-in™ the needle-free system is the ideal device for administration of local anaesthesia solutions, in fact in my opinion, it is simply the best needleless device currently available.
Easy , Economic ,Safe , so simple to use.
It is easy to use thanks to being a variable dose device that can deliver any dose from 0.01ml -0.5ml in one single action, its simple and safe because its spring loaded, nothing electric or gas operated.
The Comfort-in™ needleless injections are a safe method to deliver local anaesthesia solutions in a medical practice for good reason, one is there are no needles involved, there is no risk of injecting into a vein nor artery, so no aspiration required, furthermore, eliminating needle-stick injuries.
Any professional who regularly administers syringe-based injections to their patients simply must know about needle-free alternatives, especially when needing to administer into sensitive or delicate areas like dentists, podiatrists or even gynaecologist removing genital warts. Needle-free circumcision and vasectomies performed in minutes in a Needleless method are common worldwide.     Most important benefactors are the less cooperative patients like children… or even animals!
Since the mid 1900’s Clinical studies about needleless local anaesthesia have been published in many counties using different needle-free jet injectors that no longer exist, so all you must do is jump on a search engine and look for these studies.
The Comfort-in™ Needleless system makes treating clients a virtually pain free, calm, and phobia-free experience.
For more than four decades, Dentists all over the world are using the needle-free Jet devices just like the Comfort-in™ needle-free system to perform infiltrations and blocks, podiatrists are using it to numb the feet with the tibial block, perform ingrown toenail surgeries, numbing the (Hallux) big toe using digital ring blocks, Surgeons are using the Comfort-in™ needle-free for circumcisions and vasectomies on children and adults.
Recently especially in the last 10 years countless universities and research institutes all over the world using The Comfort-in™ needle-free system and our nozzles began their research and development of what they call” their own “needle free systems, in their studies, the Comfort-in™ needle-free is usually referred to as OTHER. The comfort-In™️system has proven itself to be the most economical out of all.

Blocks & Infiltration, Efficient Anaesthesia
Contrary to conventional local anaesthesia injection methods, infiltration with Comfort-in™ delivers the local anaesthetic submucosally down the periosteum.This leads to a more rapid diffusion and resorption and a quicker rise to the effective concentrations.
The past decades have been dedicated to research and development in collaboration with dentists to develop a solution for local anaesthesia, without using needles.
The solution is to apply a local anaesthetic in the mucous membrane where it is spreading in the deeper layers of the gums, creating a sufficient effect much faster than the anaesthesia delivered with a needle.
Many clinical trials have proved that drug distribution is done in a more suitable way than using a traditional syringe (multi-jet technology). The given doses are definitely much lower and the risk of side effects is considerably reduced.
For most of us, the thought of a needle when going to the dentist is something we dread. But, with needle free dental injections, you can put that fear to rest.
Feel the Difference with the Comfort-in™

Gentle Procedures vasectomies and circumcisions without needles

The Pollock Technique The Pollock Technique™ for circumcision is a virtually painless method involving the use of a Mogen clamp under a long-acting local anesthetic. After much research, we find this approach is less invasive, there’s less handling of the tissue. It’s also 10x faster than traditional circumcisions. The shorter the duration of any surgical… Continue reading Gentle Procedures vasectomies and circumcisions without needles