Local anesthetics need to be deposited as close to the nerve as possible so that optimal diffusion of the drug may occur,
Peripheral nerve blocks
A nerve block is an injection of a local anaesthetic to numb the nerves supplying a particular part of the body, such as the hand, arm or leg.
It may be used so an operation can be carried out without needing a general anaesthetic, or to prevent pain afterwards.
Nerve Block
A nerve block involves injecting local anaesthetic around a cluster of nerves that supply a particular part of the body, such as the arm or the leg. These numb a large area. Nerve blocks may be used during and after surgery, for example on the hip or knee.
Local anaesthetics stop the nerves in a part of your body sending signals to your brain.
Local anesthetics can also be given as an injection. Injectable anesthetics are typically used for numbing during procedures, rather than pain management.
Procedures that might include an injection of a local anesthetic include:
• Dental work, such as a root canal
• Skin biopsy
• Removal of a growth under your skin
• Mole or deep wart removal
• Pacemaker insertion
• Diagnostic tests, such as a lumbar punctureor , bone marrow biopsy