Jet Injector Comparison Table

We are the Number one Possible Alternative Solutions to Needless Injection Systems like Pharmajet, Injex, Stratis, Medi-Jector, BioJector2000, Zetajet and Insujet

How does Comfort-in™ Compare to other Needleless Injection Systems on the Market?

Compare jet injectors and you’ll see the Comfort-in™ is the most versatile, widely available needle-free injection system in the world.

Intended use(s) Action, Certification. Disposable components Syringe capacity Availability
MK Global
  • Insulin
  • Dental
  • Erectile
  • Podiatry
  • Hormone
  • Peptides
  • Cosmetic
Spring action.
CE Certification, TGA
Syringes & Adapters 0.01 to 0.5ml variable dose Worldwide. Learn why we are here to stay!
Injex Pharma / HNSInjex
  • Insulin
  • Dental
Spring action.
Revoked by Medcert.
Not available 0.3ml otherwise May shatter Unknown
Injex Knockoffs Multiple companies in the USA, Canada, and other countries have tried to start marketing products that look similar to the failed Injex product. Most, if not all are made in China, and quality control has been a major issue, requiring products pulled from the market, or years of delays in certification or delivery.
Pharma Jet
Vaccines Spring action.
*Syringes & adapters 0.5ml Fixed-dose USA
Antares Pharmamedijector
Growth hormone Spring action.
Unknown Unknown
BioJector 2000
All liquid medication delivery CO2 Gas action.
Syringes & adapters Up to 1.0ml Unknown
All liquid medication delivery Spring action.
Syringes & adapters 0.1-0.5ml Unknown
European Pharma Group
Insulin Spring action.
*Syringes & adapters 4 – 40 international units of u100 Europe.
Read the comparison of InsuJet and Comfort-in™

Based on consumer feedback, the best needle-free injection system has to answer to the following criteria:

  • It must be designed and approved for the destined application e.g. subcutaneous/ intramuscular.
  • It must be available to the public to purchase directly.
  • The supplier is available for training and answers all your questions.
  • The manufacturer has up-to-date certificates and is reliable without a history of takeovers, bankruptcies nor forced shutdowns by CE and FDA.
  • Reasonably affordable.

The Comfort-in™ ticks ALL these boxes.

Visit Our Online Shop to order, or contact us if you require more information.

Note: The information pertaining to other injection systems was obtained from available internet research without and was to the best of our knowledge accurate at the time of publishing. We are happy to include or update more information provided by any of the manufacturers mentioned in the table.